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Keeping spirits up on the picket line

Picket line tips

We’re well into our second week and it’s normal to feel tired and occasionally discouraged. Here are a few tips to help you keep spirits up while you take a stand for quality education.

1. Create a picket playlist

Caffeine is great but music soothes the soul and releases endorphins, creating a natural high. Recommendations include:

· Johnny Cash, I Walk the Line

· Tracy Chapman, 'Talkin' bout a revolution'

· Kelly Clarkson, Stronger (What doesn’t kill you)

· Bob Marley, Get up Stand up

· Eminem, Not Afraid

· John Lennon, Imagine

(Make sure you play at low volume – don’t forget noise bylaws)

2. Capitalize on camaraderie

Picketing offers the rare opportunity to come out of our respective rabbit holes and meet colleagues from other areas and backgrounds. Try using some of the teambuilding exercises you use with students. Friendships form in trying times. It’s possible your new bestie is right in front of you.

3. Mix it up

One picket line is giving early Halloween treats to the cars passing through their line. This simple gesture has warmed drivers to the cause and led to friendly (and longer) conversations about the issues. While there’s no budget for such treats, this is just one example of how teams are keeping things fresh and making difficult conversations easier.

4. Tap into talent

Your line mates bring diverse talents to the table. Why not learn from one another? Share some of your expertise, soak up the learning. It’s ironic that we need to take to the streets to get time together, but why not take advantage of the informal ‘PD’?

5. Take care

This situation is stressful. You will need support. While it’s good to keep things positive on the line, seek out the support and conversations you need, either while you’re there or through self-care. Don’t forget your benefits extend through the strike if you need to access your EAP or book a stress-relieving or muscle-relieving massage.

Tips to share? Drop us a line and we’ll pass your tips along.

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