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Long-time faculty member says CEC playing a deplorable game

I vote NO, and believe the College Employer Council has tried to over-play its hand, as follows; 1) I believe the Colleges had planned on pocketing the savings for the first few weeks - just as they did from the last strike (and I was one of the ones who worked and claimed over-time upon our return and never was paid). I'd bet the Colleges were surprised Friday when the government suggested they spend those savings on students. I suggest the province should just hold it back from the Colleges as I fear the colleges will probably justify spending it on regular upgrades and maintenance and call it "to support 'student success"! 2) I believe the College Council thought we'd vote YES to get back. Many of us might have voted yes perhaps 2 weeks ago - but after their unwillingness to negotiate and stalling tactics which mount to 'playing' of this so long and then flipping back to basically their first (not last) offer is not only deplorable, but has switched many of former 'yes' votes to now say NO WAY!! Let's not be played here. 3) I also am learning that the College proposal doesn't live up to minimum standards of new labour laws to be in place for 2018 (unless negotiated otherwise in a collective agreement). The College offers apparently slipped below the minimum standards in some respects and it is NOT negotiated as put in this offer - and we are stuck with it if we vote yes. For a system founded by the government, funded by the government (and students) and not to meet minimum standards is mind-boggling.

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