This is a vote about fairness, equity, job security and the best professional practice college teachers can offer. It's a vote about today's workplace, where organizations and corporations have a bottom line mentality that often ignores what's reasonable and ethically justifiable. It doesn't have to be that way.
The upcoming vote, which has been framed as an end point take-it-or-leave-it offer, doesn't reflect the true nature of collective bargaining. It's forced from one side and it's a management power-play. They refused to bargain for weeks as a tactic. They prolonged the strike and then spun the message. They'd like students and the public to believe it's faculty being careless and immoral. People know better. They see exactly what's going on here.
This is how bullies behave. This is not something that most reasonable people would condone or reward. It's something that requires a strong statement of rejection.