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It's about the future

These people had hopes and dreams and immigrated to Canada with the prospect of a better life, having survived WWII in the outskirts of war torn London with a meager existence on rations doled out by the government, within a class based society where equity was not common.

I am Robert Carder.

They are my parents. Of all of the things I’ve learned from their wisdom, one that is at the core of who I am is to stand up for what is right and just.

I am writing this as a concerned member of our society because we have an injustice happening and our actions can make a difference.

I am Canadian, a father of 6 whose future I was entrusted with and whom I entrust mine, an educator that students look upon, to help them be successful, well paid and secure as they contribute to society. That comes from hard work, high standards and an education system with integrity and accountability on all levels. This is why all parties; Management, Faculty and Students have to come together in collegial governance to make sure we have a system that ensures all of the stakeholders needs are met equitably.

Imagine our Canada with a workforce that is largely precariously employed, most in that state, so completely preoccupied and absorbed in earning an income that they haven’t time nor resources to invest in compassion. Their single minded mission to provide for themselves and their families, engulfs them.

What does that look like in your minds? Consider the foundations of what Canada, Ontario and our communities were built upon. What of us?

The future of our great country depends upon us taking a stand, together, shoulder to shoulder defending our belief in what is right and just! I am very concerned about the future my children, our students and Canada is faced with!

How many stories have we heard about students that have invested in an education that at best results in, precarious contract employment and provides them with a meager existence often not using the skills and knowledge they had devoted their studies to? Not earning enough to reliably plan for their own family’s for fear of not having stability to meet their needs consistently. Certainly not thriving, barely surviving.

In some cases, students are struggling along a path not freely chosen, trusting in us to give clarity and guidance. Something as simple as the freedom to give unbiased advice is a challenge and requires pause and consideration of the consequence of honesty with its inherent impact on our employment. What of academic freedom?

I have been fortunate to have lived in a time when most of my work until coming to the College had been fulltime, fairly paid, treated professionally and with appreciation. I had never imagined that my third occupation would begin so precariously and like so many of our contract faculty colleagues, it was a very stressful time. Earning an income that would support my family, consumed me.

We must stand together; for our students, for our children and for the society that was built on the backs of my parents’ generation and those brave enough to question and push limits. Many of the social programs we depend on began during their lifetime as people took a stand together and insisted that our government acted.

Our soldiers have defended our country and given us the ability to thrive while protected under our charter of rights and freedoms from oppressors who wished us harm. Lest we forget their great sacrifice in the past, the present and the future to ensure our way of life is unchallenged. They are our protectors from external threats. We have a duty here and now to protect our counties way of life from within.

There are those who call us immoral. This is the moral thing to do!

I am a proud Canadian, a proud Father and a devoted professional blessed with the great honour of mentoring and educating our students, who are our future.

Mum & Dad both retired with good pensions, having had benefits and secure, fairly paid, fulltime careers that they were both proud of and fulfilled by. One as a teacher and the other a machinist.

They have not seen all of their hopes and dreams come true. There are still many forms of inequity in our society. This is left for us to finish!

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